Monday, November 11, 2013

Your Testimony!

A wise man once said. In life, you're either going into a storm, in the midst of a storm, or coming out of a storm.
The first time that I heard this it was a little difficult for me to understand. It sounded as if it meant we were doomed to live our lives in constant chaos surrounded by storms at every turn. But as I pondered the meaning in prayer and I began to evaluate my own life I began to realize that the storm analogy is representative of an ebbs and flows, and the ups an the downs that wait around every corner as long as we continue to live.

Some of us, especially those of us who are Christians, may ask ourselves why God allows certain things to happen to us. We struggle to understand devine reasoning and we wonder what we did to deserve, what feels like punishment. But what we must realize is that each and every trial that we go through, and each and every tribulation that we suffer is a building block for our testimony. The Lord allows us to go through so that he can bring us out. But he doesn't bring us out just because he can. He brings us out stronger than we were when we went in. He does this both as a testament to his glory, and because he loves us. Everything that we go through makes us stronger, as serves to inspire others who may be in their own personal storms to hold on, perservere. There is no progress without struggle, and no testimony without being tried in the fire. 
Your testimony will not only help others to continually stand in his word. But it will help you continue to stand on his word.


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