Sunday, November 3, 2013

MOM FIRED, For Trayvon Costume.

As I reported in my original piece last week some ignorant kids saw fit to mock the life and death of Trayvon Martin by wearing black face, using fake blood and taking a disgusting photo to celebrate their sick costumes.

They thought that they could actually get away with it, and so did their parents. As a matter if fact so did I. But not so!

To the mom who thought  it was cool for her kids to dress up like Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman for Halloween, I'm glad karma has come to bite you in the butt.

According to reports, Caitlin Cimeno has been fired from her job for posting racially-insensitive photos of her sons, William Filene and Greg Cimeno, with the caption: “Happy Halloween from Zimmerman & trayvon (insert smiley face emoji here.)”

The Massachusetts woman failed to realize that you can be easily tracked down if you post your full name, photos of your children at school, shots of your car with the license plate and selfies at work (stooopid!). After one Instagram user wrote, “You ruined your life by posting those pics,” Caitlin quickly changed her profile name and deleted the racist shots. But sadly for her, it was too late.

According to the Facebook page Stop Blackface For Halloween,  "Caitlin Cimeno had her employer listed on her Facebook page, but recently deleted it. Members of the Tumblr community took note of this employer before the deletion and contacted them to report the incident. Around 12:54 pm, I called the employer to report the incident and they stated that she has been fired.”

Maybe she can get a job with the KKK. Those guys love sick costumes.


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