Monday, November 19, 2012

Thank You For Giving?! (Part Two)

Most Americans are familiar with the legend of Thanksgiving. As early as kindergarten we are told the story of Pilgrims, or Puritans leaving England and coming to "the new world" fleeing religious persecution. Upon arriving, friendly Native American's helped them survive through the harsh winter, and taught them how to build shelter, grow and harvest crops. According to the story the first Thanksgiving dinner was held in honor of the friendship between the Puritans (Pilgrims), and the native Americans. But this familiar narrative is nothing more than a fairy tale.
The Puritans were not just religious conservatives persecuted by the Church of England. They were fugitives and outcasts who came to the new world to establish a "holy kingdom". They came to America in at least 100 ships, and they had every intention on taking the land from the native people to build their own country. They exploited the Native Americans by learning the methods they used to grow crops and survive during the winter. They believed that they were the chosen ones, anointed to wage war against satan. This is what Thomas Mather, leader of the Puritans is reported to have said on Thanksgiving Day.
"In a Thanksgiving sermon delivered at Plymouth in 1623, Thomas Mather, an elder, gave special thanks to God for the devastating plague that wiped out most of the native Wampanoag Indians. Mather added in his sermon that he praised God for destroying chiefly the young men and the children, whom he described as the "very seeds of increase, thus clearing the forests to make way for a better growth."
The Puritans were truly a twisted bunch of religious fanatics, far removed from the weary settlers of legend who "founded America". As far as the Pilgrims were concerned, the Indians were dangerous heathens who were nothing more than instruments of the devil despite their kindness and generosity. They pretended to be interested in peace while planning genocide. All along waiting for more ships to arrive. The real reason for the first Thanksgiving feast was not to give thanks at all. The true motivation behind this gathering was to give the Pilgrims a chance to negotiate a treaty for land that they could occupy while building their army. The irony is that the Native Americans brought most of the food.
As the Pilgrims gained military strength they rejected all friendship and civility. One night in 1637, without provocation Governor Bradford, the commander of the colony sent his Militia to stage a violent assault on their Native American neighbors. The soldiers staged a surprise attack, and murdered every man, woman and child. Bradford used these words to describe that night.
"It was a fearful sight to see them frying in the fire and the streams of blood quenching the same and horrible was the stink and stench thereof. But the victory seemed a sweet sacrifice and they [the Massachusetts militiamen] gave praise thereof to God." Afterward he called on his congregation to give thanks to God for the attack "that on this day we have sent 600 heathen souls to hell."
The Pilgrim's were the Devil's minion's masquerading as people of God with a twisted since of morality, entitlement, and a ghoulish thirst for blood.
A decade later most of the "New England Indians" were murdered. Those who escaped the carnage either fled to Canada or were sold into slavery. In fact, it was the success of selling Native Americans into slavery that prompted Puritan ship owners to go to Africa in search of African slaves, bringing them to America and then selling them to colonies in the South. The first ship deployed for the sole purpose of kidnapping Africans and perpetuating yet another series of atrocities was the Mayflower.
The first Thanksgiving feast was just a cover for the Pilgrims diabolical plan. It marked the near extinction of an entire race of people, and served as a catalyst for the enslavement of another. These "chosen people" were little more than malicious barbarians intent on destruction, who chose to establish their new world on the blood soaked ground of those who were its original inhabitants. These details are disturbing, and I understand why the truth is not taught as a part of our curriculum. It would surely shake the foundation that this country is built on, and most Americans do not enjoy being confused by facts.
So as we sit down this Thursday and prepare to enjoy our Thanksgiving meal, lets give thanks to God that we were not among the Native Americans who were slaughtered or The Africans who were enslaved. Most of all, we must be thankful that they survived so that we could live.


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