Thursday, April 16, 2015

Breaking NEWS: The Second Biggest Threat To Black People!

Yes, there is more than one big threat when it comes to being Black in America. But this one ties in and is closely related to the first. In the article I wrote a few days ago I talk about law enforcement being the biggest threat. But number all encompassing and all inclusive because it is the precursor for everything. "White privilege", and "white male privilege" in particular. You can get more self explanatory than that. But just in case your understanding requires me to elaborate I'll gladly do so. As noted author James Baldwin said in his last interview, "White is an attitude", a frame of mind in which superiority is automatically assumed, and prevelige is a birth right. In short, there is a kinda of perceived social autonomy that gives them the ability to do whatever these please and to change the rules to accommodate themselves.

Days after a geriatric Oklahoma reserve deputy sheriff was charged with manslaughter for a fatal incident in which he mistook his gun for a Taser, reportin the Tulsa World has called into question whether he should have been carrying a gun in the first place.

Speaking on the condition of anonymity, individuals told the World that supervisors in the Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office were ordered to falsify training records for Robert Bates, the 73-year-old insurance executive who fired his gun instead of a Taser, killing an unarmed black man, apparently by accident. The false records gave Bates credit for field training he never took and firearms certifications he should not have received, the World reported.


Tulsa County Sheriff Stanley Glanz told KJRH that Bates had qualified for three weapons with the supervision of a firearms instructor, but the office was not able to find records from the qualification test. The instructor who trained Bates has since left the Tulsa Sheriff’s Office.

“And we’re trying to get hold of her and talk to her but we can’t find the records that she supposedly turned in. So, we’re going to talk to her find out if, for sure, he did qualify with those,” Glanz said.

Do they have any idea what the truth is??


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