Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Jesus Was Black & So Was Santa Clause........

Let me just get this out of the way right now. I AM NOT COMPARING JESUS TO SANTA CLAUSE! The reason that I am mentioning both  is just for historical context. Those of us who can read, comprehend or have anything that vaguely resemble understanding know that Jesus was an African. We need look no further than his description in the bible, 

 Revelations 1: 14, 15

14 His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;
15 And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.
This description sounds like that of an African man to me. I've said this for years, and it never fails. Somebody always says that Jesus doesn't have a color, or that it doesn't matter what color Jesus was. But if it doesn't matter why is he almost always depicted as a long haired, pale-skinned, blue eyed European man? Because color does matter. It always has, and it always will. Whether it be the son of God or a work of fiction in a big red suit.
Here in America image is everything, whether we like it or believe it, it is what it is. That is exactly why all of the racist freaks in Minnesota are losing their minds over a Black Santa Clause.  

   The Mall of America decided to try something new this Christmas and brought in its first Black Santa Claus so that children of color would find a Kris Kringle who looks more like them. The honor of being the first Black Santa went to a man this nation owes a debt of gratitude as one of our veterans. Larry Jefferson fits the bill as a jolly looking guy complete with his own natural, gray beard.  The Mall of America had its heart in the right place to spread some politically correct cheer. After all, it’s all about spreading peace, love and joy. Until the Grinch shows up in the form of white racists. Santa is for the kids, so why in the world are racist adults throwing a fit? Why?! Because there is absolutely no other issue in the world that is more important than Santa Clause's skin tone.

Bigots were having such a major meltdown that the Star Tribune had to shut down the paper’s comments section!
It’s amazing that people get unhinged when they think a sacred icon whether it’s Santa, James Bond or a comic book hero–is being changed to appeal to all people. Before they start tweeting or posting protests, maybe a little fact checking would spare them from showing STUPID they really are.............
Santa is based on a fourth century Greek Christian, Saint Nicholas who is said to have performed many miracles.  Having come from a rich family, Saint Nicholas made it  his life’s mission to look out for the poor. He was once said to have helped a poor man who was about to sell his three daughters into slavery and prostitution by giving them each a dowry so they could marry. Others say if you left your shoes out in front of your house, Saint Nicholas would put money in them.  It didn’t take long for Saint Nick’s spirit of generosity to become legendary because of his habit of giving secret gifts to people. Saint Nicholas became the patron saint of merchants, children, pawnbrokers as well as sailors and repentant thieves.  Eventually, the story of Saint Nicholas spread to places around Europe. When the story spread to Holland, the Dutch began to embellish the story and started calling  Saint Nicholas “Santa Claus” and expanded the origin story to include reindeer, elves and even the red suit.  Eventually, the story became a tradition that people tried to emulate by gift-giving.
Though the real Saint Nicholas died in the year 343, his remains are buried in a crypt at the Basilica.

In San Nicola, Italy the Vatican requested measurements of his bones and skulls to be recorded in the 1950s during a renovation project.  Using these anatomically precise measurements, forensic pathology experts have come up with renderings of what Saint Nicholas actually may have looked like .
The latest 2014 rendering is said to be the most realistic since Liverpool Johh Moores University experts relied on the computer technology to come up with the facial reconstruction.  Here is Saint Nicholas according to those experts….

But despite the darker skin tone of the real Saint, modern day Santa is usually a White man as white as the driven snow. Mediterraneans (Italians, Greeks, Spaniards) are said to have skin color ranging from “pink or peach to light brown” and dark brown or black hair.   Most of the renderings of Saint Nicholas show him to have olive to brown skin-tone. But his physical appearance really doesn’t matter, since it is the spirit of caring about others—especially the less fortunate—that is the reason for the season.

Side Bar: So it's okay for the president to be orange, but Santa Clause can't be Black!


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