Friday, October 4, 2013

Just When You Thought You Heard It All Need (10-4-2013)

The phrase "A wonderful police officer" almost sounds like an oxymoron, (just joking Police Officer's who live in my neighborhood and know who I am.) But there are acceptions to every rule. Case in point.

One Police Officer in Albuquerque, N.M., tried to keep his good deed a secret. 

He didn't want to make a big deal out of the fact that after responding to a domestic dispute report, he ended up purchasing groceries for a family in need

Luckily, the news got out. 

Officer Hector Marquez Jr. was dispatched to the home of a 63-year-old woman and her six grandchildren on September 11, according to news reports. The dispute was allegedly between the kids and settled down when Marquez arrived. That's when the officer learned that the grandmother lived on a fixed income and relied on food stamps. 

 He also found out that the children had not eaten since that morning, according to the Albequerque Police Department, and they didn't have food for dinner that night or the following day.

So Marquez bought the family groceries out of his own pocket.

A squad mate told their squad sergeant about Marquez's actions so that the department could recognize him. 

The department subsequently gave him a letter of commendation and told his story on Facebook. The post received close to 12,000 likes. 

I feed a family every day and I don't get anywhere near as many likes on Facebook. But that might be because they're my family.

"It's the people like this in the world that make fighting another day worth it everyday," one commenter wrote. "Thank you, Officer."

Side Bar: One word, GROSS!

Fire is a wonderful thing. It keeps us warm. It cooks our food, and it heats our water. But the most important thing about water is the fact that it only works if you use it.

Derek Nance has a bone to pick. Constantly.

For the last five years Nance has eaten only raw meat from animals he slaughtered.

He consumes almost the entire carcass the innards and fat included. 
The nearly exclusive flesh diet makes us queasy, but Nance believes it cured his own nausea condition. 

Five years ago, Nance was vomiting constantly. He began to experiment with several diets, including vegan. Then he went to the other extreme, excluding almost anything without a heartbeat, as part of his own interpretation of the Paleo diet (also known as the caveman diet).

"I've physically gotten stronger and more physically robust," he said.

And no expiration dates for this committed carnivore.
 Rotting meat is OK. 😩
Someone else's rancid is Derek'sUSDA choice  because it's probiotic, he told the media, in a story that sparked viral interest in the 30-year-old Kentuckian.

Dad doesn't approve, but his vegetarian girlfriend understands. A father of four, he also admitted to that his eating habits "kind of led up to" his previous marriage ending in divorce. It's complicated.

It's not really that complicated. Who wants to be married to "Captain Caveman?"

There is one thing that all human beings, have in common. We all love birthday cake. But not enough to go to jail. Unless it's a Dairy Queen "Chocolate Explosion" ice cream cake.  Well....maybe.

A woman in Washington state brought her child's birthday cake into a courthouse, thinking that would be safer than leaving it in the car with her dog. She realized her error when a stranger grabbed and ate handfuls of the cake.

The chocolate cake passed through a metal detector and was sitting on a table when it was attacked, and violated.

Cake and frosting went flying when a Cowlitz County sheriff's deputy grabbed the cake molester and took him to the ground. According to media outlets more deputies rushed to help only to end up smeared with frosting.

Deputy Joe Connor says that 50-year-old Robert Fredrickson was arrested for investigation of third-degree theft, and gluttony in the first degree. The man had been on his way to a court appearance.

A local grocery offered to replace the cake for free.


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