Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Ugly Anti-Autism Letter

When I pray in the morning above everything else I thank God for my 3 healthy children. They are far more important than my home, and my material possessions. When I see a child who is not as fortunate, with parents who face challenges that I take for granted, I pray for their strength, and I thank God once more. But unfortunately, there are some evil mean spirited people in this world whose disdain and cruelty has no bounds.

A disturbing letter targeting a teen with autism has shaken the boy's family and rallied the local community to their defense.

The anonymous note was sent to 13 year old Max's grandmother's house in Newcastle Ontario, on Friday. Signed, "One pissed off mother," the letter refers to Max as a neighborhood "nuisance," "retarded" and a "dreadful" noise polluter. A photo of the letter was tweeted over the weekend by You Tube personalities, who identify themselves as family friends.

"Personally, they should take whatever non retarded body parts he possesses and donate it to science. What the hell else good is he to anyone!!!" the letter reads. "Do the right thing and move or euthanize him!! Either way we are ALL better off!!!"

In an a recent interview Max's mother, Karla Begley, could not keep from crying as she read the section of the letter that suggests she euthanize her son.

"The more you go on, the worse it gets," Begley told the local media.

 "Who says that about a child?"

Worried for their safety, the family then went on to say that the police have been contacted, and they would like to press charges if possible. In the meantime, however, the neighborhood has rallied around Max, making a special effort to make him feel welcome in the community.

On Monday, It was reported that police are investigating the letter. Spokeswoman Jodi MacLean told the news outlet that law enforcement is taking the threat "seriously."

The original Twitter posting about the note had been retweeted over 3,600 times as of Monday afternoon, with people calling the letter "a shame," "evil" and "hateful."


                          PURE EVIL

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