Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Tarantino Drops The N Bomb!

He had me fooled, and I am man enough to admit it. I've read the articles, seen every film, and totally bought into his explanation for using the N-word gratuitously in movie after movie. He has seemed cognoscente of certain aspects of the African-American struggle. He has talked about the rate of incarceration amongst African-American men being a new form of slavery. Indicating both empathy and differentiation between himself and other white people because he is willing to admit the truth, and knows the truth. In fact, I see this as an attempt to indicate that his use of the N- word has nothing to do with racism because of his own personal level of "awareness", and everything to do with realism, character development, and his artistic vision. The language and imagery in Tarantino's film's have always been kind of like pornography, except, instead of bare bodies you get the bare soul's of characters stripped down to an ugly essence for nothing more than shock value. You almost feel guilty for being entertained by a Tarantino film because in most cases they are not thought provoking on an intellectual level. They are novelties accepted by society at large, as an innovation in his craft, and therefore acceptable as artistry. Tarantino seems to fancy himself an honorary Black man
and has been seen on press junket's wearing a backwards Kangol cap, a Dada Supreme shirt, and Fubu sweats. Apparently he enjoys dressing like a Black dude from 1994. But it seems as if Tarantino has started to blur the lines between creativity, out right racism, and reality.
After winning the Golden Globe for best screenplay. Tarantino made a statement addressing the unending conversation over the 100-plus times the character's in his slavery-themed spaghetti Western Django Unchained use the N-word, Tarantino himself uttered the phrase, to audible gasps from the writer's in the winner's room. He went on to say,
"They think I should soften it, that I should lie, that I should massage."
The film's setting of 1860 antebellum South, he said, made that impossible, as did his artistic integrity.
"I would never do that when it comes to my characters,"
Obviously Tarantino must have mistaken The Golden Globe Awards for the antebellum south. Or does he think that he has a pass when it comes to the use of the most oppressive word in history? Maybe he thinks that just because he can squeeze the N-word into just about each and every line of his scripts, he has cart blanch when it comes to its usage. But he is terribly mistaken. He is not a character in one of his movies, and if the afore mentioned is really what he believes, he has become severely detached from reality. The fact of the matter is, no one should use the N- word, especially anyone who is not Black. Throughout the annals of history this word has been used by Caucasian people with a venomous, soul crushing contempt, in order to defame, degrade, and destroy negro people, black people, and African-American people. Whether it should be used as a form of artistic expression has always been highly questionable for this reason. But Tarantino has seemed to somehow cloak his usage of the word with the extreme bled shed, and violence that is an ever present element in every one of his films. In other words, if the entire movie is one in which pop culture excess, and extremes are an integral part of the story line. Using the N-word would simply fade into the back drop as part of the canvas, and not be so shocking in comparison. Wrong again! Unfortunately despite repeated controversy he has managed to survive, thrive, keep making N-word laced movies, and has even won a Golden Globe. Hopefully his recent outburst, and the public outrage over his insensitivity will have an impact on his future production's as well as public perception. The bottom line is that the word is not cool, not hip, and should never be said by those who respect themselves or us.


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