Sunday, July 23, 2017

Just When You Thought You Heard If All News 7-22-17

Hearing stories like this make me wonder is today’s youth is becoming colder and more insensitive than generations before.
Five soulless teens filmed and mocked a disabled man as he drowned in Florida….., but as disturbing as the footage is, it doesn’t appear that any laws were broken, according to officials.
Jamel Dunn, 32, drowned in a retention pond July 9 as the group of teens reportedly watched and laughed in Cocoa, Florida. It was not until three days later that his body was discovered, according to Florida Today.
Soon after Dunn’s body was recovered, a video surfaced on social media that depicted his final moments, authorities said.
The horrifying footage recorded by one of the teens shows Dunn struggle as he screams for help in the water.
Police said that the teens told Dunn, who walked with a cane, not to go into the murky waters.
“The kids were at the park that day smoking marijuana and apparently saw him walk into the water. He walked in on his own. They were watching him,” said Yvonne Martinez, Cocoa Police Department spokesperson.
No one called 911 when he started having trouble staying above water.
“He started to struggle and scream for help and they just laughed,” Martinez said. “They didn’t call the police. They just laughed the whole time. He was just screaming … for someone to help him.”

London officials are apologizing after a group of enforcement officers punished a 5-year-old girl for setting up a lemonade stand last week.
The girl was the daughter of André Spicer, a professor at the City University London’s business school. In an essay for The Telegraph published Thursday, Spicer detailed the moment four council enforcement officers “stormed up to her little table.”
An officer “read a lengthy legal statement ― the gist of which was that because my daughter didn’t have a trading permit, she would be fined [150 pounds],” Spicer wrote. In the U.S. that fine would amount to $194.93.
His daughter was selling lemonade for 50 pence (.65 cents in American currency) for a small cup and 1 pound ($1.30) for large. Spicer said she was devastated after the officers handed down the fine. 
He wrote: “My daughter burst into tears, repeating again and again ‘have I done a bad thing?’”
After tweeting the incident to the Tower Hamlets council, Spicer decided to write a piece for the Telegraph to see if these types of fines are common for children.
“I wonder if this has happened to other parents,” Spicer told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. “So I wrote an opinion piece for a newspaper which has now triggered a bit of a media storm.”
Spicer said that, as a business professor, he should have known that a permit was required to sell things. But he saw the fine as problematic, explaining in the Telegraph that the world his daughter is growing up in is “radically different” than the one in which he was raised. 
“Kids are watched by parents around the clock,” he wrote. “Most are not allowed beyond the front gate of their house.”
Spicer said that children are now “too closely monitored, controlled and supervised” and encouraged parents to learn from experience rather than restricting what they can do, according to ABC.
The Tower Hamlets council dropped the fine after news spread of Spicer’s lemonade stand controversy. The council also issued an apology: “We expect our enforcement officers to show common sense, and to use their powers sensibly,” a spokesperson said on Friday. “This clearly did not happen.”
Since publishing his Telegraph essay, Spicer said in a tweet that “dozens of festivals, markets and businesses” have invited his daughter to set up her lemonade stand at their locations.

Believe it or not there actually two  words that are almost as bad as “president trump”. “Legal lean”…

A product marketed as liquid relaxation is upsetting some Durham parents and activists.
Legal Lean is sold as an alternative to the street version of Lean, which is an illegal combination of opioids, prescription pills, cough syrup mixed with soda-- also known in the hip-hop world as purple drank and sizzurp.

But the makers of Legal Lean, on its product website, say their product is for adults and is safe, with all-natural ingredients such as melatonin, vitamins and St. John's wort.

They use a catchy video to sell it.

Sandra Davis, a Durham mom to a 12-year-old, wants it off the shelves.

"When I looked at the video, I was outraged because they were marketing it through hip-hop and what do our children listen to all day is Hip Hop." Davis said.

Davis and Minister Paul Scott, a Durham activist, fear Legal Lean is targeting working-class neighborhoods, and could be used as a date-rape drug or become a gateway for youngsters to try illegal narcotics.

Legal Lean released a statement that says in part:

"I think before they want to demonize the product it's best for them to try it themselves and do some research on the ingredients and see that they are safe and are just natural relaxation ingredients."

We visited several convenience stores in Durham and could not find the product.

But we did find it in a couple of tobacco stores.

At 5 Star Tobacco and Vapors on Holloway Street, the store is selling the two ounce bottle for $14.

The clerk said the store was sold out, and wasn't sure when another shipment would arrive.

When ABC11 visited Tobacco Land on Fayetteville Street to inquiry about Legal Lean, the owner had the product removed from the shelves, and then asked us to leave.

Durham Police said they have not received any complaints or issues about the use of Legal Lean.


Friday, July 14, 2017

Just When You Thought You Heard It All News

No comment………
According to the Beaumont Police Department, 48-year old Henri Paul Johnson decided to take a nap on a stretcher after working for sixteen hours straight.
While he was sleeping, another employee mistook him for the corpse of a 52-year old car accident victim and carried him to the crematory.
Before anyone could notice the mistake, he had already been exposed to temperatures ranging between 1400 to 1800 degrees Fahrenheit and reduced to ashes.
Jenna Davis, one of Henri Johnson’s coworkers, says she heard him scream for about 15 seconds after the crematory was activated.
“At first, we didn’t understand where the sound was coming from. When we realised what was happening, it was too late. We shut down the heating system, but he was already dead.”
Ms. Davis claims that the young coworker who caused the accident was a new employee, and had forgotten to check for the toe tag to make sure he had the right body.
The police has opened an investigation to determine the exact circumstances surrounding Mr Johnson’s death.
Investigators have not ruled out the possibility of filing criminal charges against the employee who caused his death.
The young man could possibly be accused of criminal negligence causing death.

On this weeks episode of “Fools, Morons & Idiots”……….

“Please help I'm stuck here," read the surreal note from the captive repairman.

Imagine going to an ATM to get some cash, and instead of a receipt, you get an eerie plea for help scrawled on a slip of paper.
That’s exactly what happened to customers at a Bank of America branch in Corpus Christi, Texas, Wednesday afternoon, after a repairman got stuck inside a room connected to the machine.

Please Help Im stuck here and I don’t have my phone please call my boss,” the note read in part.
“Apparently he left his cellphone and the swipe card he needed to get out of the room outside in his truck,” Corpus Christi police Lt. Chris Hooper told The Associated Press.
The trapped man was stuck for about two hours, according to CBS New York anchors who could barely contain their laughter (above) while describing the situation.
Corpus Christi police officer Richard Olden told NBC affiliate KRIS TV that some people who saw the note initially thought it was a joke. Luckily for the repairman — a contract worker who has not been identified — someone took it seriously and called for help.
But even police weren’t totally convinced it was for real.
“We come out here, and sure enough we can hear a little voice coming from the machine,” Olden said. “So we are thinking this is a joke. It’s got to be a joke.”
Police freed the repairman by kicking down the door to the room where he was trapped.
No one was harmed, but a few traumatized ATM users may think twice the next time they reach for the receipt slot.

In the midst of the Flint water crisis, a group of students who dubbed themselves the “Dream Kings” from Frederick Douglass Academy in Detroit sought to ensure that the senior citizens of Flint were taken care of: by giving them 300 cases of clean water. The idea was actually thought up entirely by the students, which makes it even more special. 

The Dream Kings solicited donations of water for their project, and then drove the hour to Flint to deliver them to the residents of Flint Heights Terrace. The project was so successful that they plan to do it again next year, and hopefully make it an annual event.
The 45 students came to the senior living facility, some wearing crowns. A few of of the residents were overcome with gratitude for their thoughtfulness.
“The first resident was just overcome. She started crying and tearing up, and one of the students that was with our group, he got emotional as well,” said William Malcolm, the Detroit City Dream director for The Future Project, which partners up with the Frederick Douglass Academy to help with service projects.
Malcolm also says that he is incredibly proud of the students for recognizing that although they may not have everything themselves, they can still make a big impact.
Malcolm stated:
“A lot of times young people, they feel that in order to give back they have to be wealthy or they have to be in a certain position in life. The boys learned from the initiative that they can take an idea and they can impact someone else’s life for the better.” [1]
The Dream Project also hopes that the service they do can help break stereotypes, showing that African-American men can provide wonderful service to their local communities in addition to being assets.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Just When You Thought You Heard It All News

Proverbs 17:16
16 Why does a fool have money in his hand
with no intention of buying wisdom?

Many people like to flash their cash in different ways – for instance, gold and diamond mouth grills. But to celebrate his recent jackpot win, this particular fool decided to take it to another level……..
Growing up in poverty as a child, Dustin Reiter became obsessed the 2002 movie comedy Goldmember—an Austin Powers parody of the Bond movie Goldfinger in which Powers is hunting a criminal mastermind who colors his victims' man parts in gold. Now working at Walmart, the closest this fed-up and overworked employee came to his dream was stocking chicken nuggets in the frozen isle.
Reiter's lucky golden streak began during a break from his night shift. While watching videos on his phone, he saw an advertisement for a casino app offering $80 in free spins. Never one to turn down anything free, Dustin decided to test the odds with this popular New Casino Slots game. By the end of his thirty minute lunch break, the unaffected young man hit the jackpot $528,429.00 - and suddenly had a much brighter outlook on life.
According to friends, after receiving a huge lump-sum of cash in his bank account, Dustin “immediately quit his job and headed straight to the local jewelers, blinging himself up with rings and chains. But even after getting his teeth capped in gold, he never felt complete."
Dustin started by painting his genitals with a lead-based paint, but quickly decided that a simple coloring wasn't enough: he needed to take it to the next level, he needed the real gold. To complete the makeshift operation, Reiter used a professional automotive gold plater that he borrowed from a garage. Unfortunately in the twelve hours following the procedure, Dusting encountered a series of health issues that ultimately led to his death.

Drivers in Napa, California, over the Fourth of July weekend came across a surprising traffic sign warning people of “Asian drivers.”
A motorist pulled over to film the illuminated sign, which read “caution asian drivers,” on Sunday night, according to CBS Sacramento.
Caltrans officials were alerted of the hacked sign late Sunday evening after a driver reported it to the Napa Police Department. Jacala said Caltrans immediately removed the sign once notified.

“Caltrans policy is to always lock the sign control boards which also require a secret code to operate,” Jacala said. He warned that anyone who sees an altered highway sign should contact authorities immediately “as bogus information can be not only be a distraction but also create a safety hazard.”

The prank in Napa over the weekend referred to a popular racist myth: that all Asian people are bad drivers.

Passengers on a Southwest Airlines flight from Denver to Pittsburgh on Saturday were treated to an adorable surprise. Before takeoff, their captain took to the intercom and explained that a very important person was on board.

“Today is a special day,” said Captain John Richie, a former Air Force pilot who said he’s been with Southwest for 22 years. “Ever since I started with Southwest, I’ve kept track of the passengers I’ve flown, and today I’m flying my one millionth passenger.”

The cabin cheered. Richie strolled through the cabin and presented his millionth passenger with a bottle of Champagne, an autographed copy of her boarding card and an envelope of cash equaling the cost of her ticket.

“I did a little bit of snooping, and I found out how much you paid for your ticket,” he said.