The first and most important rule of Fight Club is that there is no fight club. But unfortunately low life's don't follow the rules. Parents of toddlers who were enrolled in a daycare in Woodbridge, Virginia are going to need a personal injury lawyer. But the daycare worker in this story is going to need a criminal lawyer because this moron was did the unthinkable.
She started a toddler fight club! This sorry excuse for a human being matched up the kids in her care and forced them to fight one another. These defenseless children were made to fight their way through the day.
A judge found her guilty of more than a dozen abuse charges, including child cruelty, after she started the “baby fight club” with the toddlers in her class. In a horrifying case of abuse, Sarah Jordan was convicted for traumatizing her Minnieland Academy class, full of 16-month to 2-year-old toddlers, and faces 41 years in prison. The Tyler Durden-wannabe’s little tykes fight club was busted after a Sept. 2013 report by the Virginia Department of Social Services accused her of abusing children for at least six months.
The investigation showed Jordan, 31, and fellow teacher Kierra Spriggs would encourage brawls between babies while roughing up some children herself. One witness reported seeing the day care staff’s cruel antics: stomping on toddler’s toes when the babies weren’t wearing shoes, and laughing. During the summer, the report said the twisted teachers targeted toddlers who were afraid of water and dunked them into a portable pool, cackling as the terrified children cried.
They would also blast kids in the face with a powerful hose and dump buckets of water on their heads.Instead of helping toddlers change their dirty diapers, the staff would tell them to “get away and that they stink,” the report stated. Jordan was also accused of feeding children “Flaming Hot Cheetos” and laughing as they reeled from the intense spiciness. During her trial, she denied all of these accusations, but admitted to light water-play with the kids. “I used it to get the children wet, like a sprinkler,” she said.
Jordan’s cruel antics traumatized the toddlers, parents testified at the trial. Parents said the kids turned violent at home, mimicking the monster teacher and stomping on their parents toes. "She would stomp her mom's feet. She would run in and slap us for no apparent reason and start giggling," Adam Smith testified. Some of the children became terrified of water and refused to take baths. Most toddlers cried when they had to go to the center, and it is not apparently clear to me why none of them realized that something was horribly wrong.
Jordan's sentencing will be on May 6, but despite what the judge decides I am sure that there is no place in hell that is hot enough for this evil woman.
In the days following the election of Donald Trump, there have been may reports of racial violence and harassment, including an incident at Baylor University in which a student was pushed and called the n-word while walking around campus.
In a show of solidarity that should both give us hope and point the way forward, the next day, fellow students made it clear that this won’t be tolerated, banding together to escort Natasha Nkhama to class.
Video of Nkhama describing what happened was posted to Twitter following the incident.
“On my way to class, this guy went out of his way to bump into me and … shove me off the sidewalk,” she said. “He said ‘no n*ggers allowed on the sidewalk’.” He then told her he was “trying to make America great again.” Prompting Nkhama to warn her followers: “So if you voted for Donald Trump, I hope you realize what that means from someone else’s point of view.”
Video of Nkhama describing what happened was posted to Twitter following the incident.
“On my way to class, this guy went out of his way to bump into me and … shove me off the sidewalk,” she said. “He said ‘no n*ggers allowed on the sidewalk’.” He then told her he was “trying to make America great again.” Prompting Nkhama to warn her followers: “So if you voted for Donald Trump, I hope you realize what that means from someone else’s point of view.”
This is one of many stories circulating on social media that seem to indicate the darkest ramifications of Donald Trump’s victory on election night. His most deplorable followers are suddenly emboldened, clearly feeling that by electing Trump, who’s campaign rhetoric was hateful and exclusionary from day one, they’ve been given license to act out their own hateful and racist views.
That’s why it’s heartening to see that more than 300 students flocked to their classmate’s side, some of them singing “Amazing Grace” as they walked, showing the rest of us how to respond when someone else goes low.
And we are grateful for other similar displays we’re seeing across the country, the non-violent demonstrations that show that regardless of the fact that the country is sharply divided, regardless of the fact that a man many of us fear has been elected President, we won’t stop defending the things we believe in. We won’t stop banding together against the forces of intolerance and hate, and we won’t stop fighting for each other.