Thursday, July 30, 2015

Can White People Do Whatever They Want?: A White Woman Steels A Police Car & Lives.......

A suspected shoplifter who had her hands cuffed behind her back was somehow able to steal a police car and lead officers on a high-speed chase, newly released dashcam video showed.
The incident occurred just north of Pittsburgh on Jan. 14th. Yet, for some strange reason this story has just gone public.
Roxanne Rimer was tied in handcuffs when she stole the patrol car after crawling through its glass partition, police said.
She rammed her own vehicle before driving away and reaching dangerous speeds of up to 100 miles per hour down two lane roads.
The dashcam video released by Center Township police showed her moving onto a highway, weaving in out of traffic and somehow managing to honk the car’s horn at other vehicles as she tried to evade pursuing officers.
At one point, she even had the nerve to stop and asked for help driving the police car, the video showed.
Rimer eventually ditched the vehicle, as dashcam captured her walking away with her hands still behind her back.
It was not immediately clear how she drove the car. But what is clear is the fact  that she lived! Police caught and arrested her while she tried to flee into the woods.


Monday, July 27, 2015

What About Bobby?!

Fathers are the most undervalued people on the face of the earth, and that's a fact. Especially black fathers, we're demonized, marginalized, and treated like inept, incompetent enemies of the state. So much so that there is rarely an occasion when I'm out with my eight year old daughter that we are not looked at like a sideshow attraction or an oddity of some kind. Usually some woman makes her business to say, "Oh, you're spending time with daddy?" As if my daughter is getting a treat, and I deserve a smile for doing something that I do just about everyday. The fact is, I probably spend more time with her than I do with myself!

But being a Black father and a Black man in America means being subjected to loweref expectations. Always has and probably always will be. But those of us who are conscious, set our own expectations. Not that it matters to anyone else but it is necessary to survive, thrive or tread water. Most of us rise above and some of us don't. We must be careful not to join the angry mob pointing fingers simply to provide the world with an alternative villan.
With that being said, Bobby Brown (no relation), is perhaps one of the most notorious fathers in America, and one of the most disrespected men in the world. Known for being a bad boy, a bad man, a bad father, and an all around bad human being. But if being a black man in America, and a Black man in America who just happens to be a father has taught me anything it's that we all have our own unique set of circumstances that influence our situations. Even similar situations have differentiating circumstances that those who are on the outside looking in may not understand, cannot understand, or do not choose to understand. With that being said it has never been and never will be right to judge a man when you have not walked a mile in his shoes.

A few days ago Bobbi Christina Brown, who is the daughter that Bobby tried had with his wife Whitney Houston, passed away at the age of 22 and it's a tragedy. This did  not come as a shock or a surprise to me given that fact that she had been in a coma for quite some time. But I hate the fact there seemed to be a calculated hesitance in given Bobby Brown condolences and a rush to blame him for her death in the same way that he was blamed for Houston's death years ago. The fact of the matter is these women were adults who made there own decisions, and despite Bobby's imperfections this man lost his daughter, and the media acts as if he was a co-conspirator, or a perpetrator. Again, this man lost his daughter and his daughters mother whom he was married to for many years. He has just as much right to grieve as Cissy Houston or anyone else and he has just as much right to be human as anyone else.


Friday, July 24, 2015

Cop In Black Face.........

Former Police Officer Bobby Berger wanted to raise money for the six Baltimore officers charged in the arrest and death of Freddie Gray, so his plan was to hold a fundraiser where he would perform in blackface.

According to the Baltimore Sun, Berger, 67, lost his job as a cop in the 1980s after receiving several complaints from the NAACP about his act. But Berger is nothing if not committed, and so the blackface performer's fundraiser was planned for Nov. 1. Berger told the Sun that he had sold some 600 tickets at $45 apiece—that is until the police union, NAACP and lawyers for the cops involved found out about Berger's plans, which led to the cancellation of the event.

"My client will not participate. We will not accept a single, solitary dime from this sort of action," attorney Ivan Bates told the Sun. Bates represents Sgt. Alicia White, one of the six officers charged in Gray's death. Gray died in April from a spinal injury suffered while in police custody.

"This is the type of racist behavior that we do not need and do not want," the lawyer added.

The Baltimore NAACP also denounced the event. "I think it's disgusting," Tessa Hill-Aston, president of the city's NAACP chapter, told the Sun. "Right now, with all the things that are going on in Baltimore and also with all the issues with the Confederate flag, this is just putting more salt in the wound."

An attorney for the Baltimore Fraternal Order of Police added that it did not support the event. "We're completely unaware of it. We don't endorse it. We do not support it," said Michael Davey.

Berger, who considers his act to be a tribute to the late blackface performer Al Jolson, told the Sun that he didn't think his act was racist and that African Americans enjoy his work. He added that he was only trying to provide financial relief for the families of the officers during this time.

"I've been through what they're going through and I know they need the help," he said.

But Berger needs more help then they do! When is the benefit for the "racist jackass cop treatment" assistance find?!,?


Thursday, July 23, 2015

Just When You Thought You Heard It All News (7-25-2015)

Side Bar: PEOPLE! When God gives you a gift in a chicken box, don't give it back!!!!
James Minor only wanted some hot Bojangles' chicken when he pulled into the drive-thru of the Henrico County, Va., fast-food chain last week. But shortly after receiving his chicken, he realized it was cold.
"I sent it back to the person who was working the window and I asked them to get some fresh chicken," Minor said. "And they told me to pull up in the drive-thru and fresh chicken would be out in six or seven minutes."
So Minor waited, and when a worker finally came out and handed him the bag, he expected to open it to find some fresh, hot, golden brown chicken, instead he got a little more than he bargained for.
"When I opened the box up, the BoJangles' chicken box, there was probably close to $4,500 in cash and also SunTrust deposit slips," Minor told WTVR. Using his camera phone, Minor took video of the money immediately, as his first thought was that someone was trying to steal the money from the store or that somehow he was being set up.
Minor rushed from his car and took the money back to the manager and told him what happened.
Minor told the news station that he was stunned by the manager's response.
"He told me in an arrogant, nasty attitude, being disrespectful, saying that, 'We would've called the authorities on you, too,'" Minor said. "Here I am doing a good thing, bringing the money back. Most folks probably would've kept on going and wouldn’t have recognized it until they got home."
Minor told WTVR that he was offered some more chicken and a tailgate party. He also says that a Bojangles' district manager hung up on him when he called corporate headquarters. He says that in the end, he was offered a $100 gift certificate, but says it still doesn't feel right.
"I deserve respect, an apologetic letter from the Bojangles' company and probably a cash reward," he told WTVR. "What is a $100 gift certificate when you’re bringing in $4,500?"
The news station contacted Bojangles' but was unable to get a comment.

Imagine looking under your bed and seein this face?! Looking like the Grinch that stole Christmas!!
Jason Hubbard entered the house while the owner was taking out the trash back in May, Spotswood, Texas police wrote on Facebook. He then stayed under the bed for three days, charging his four cell phones with a nearby electrical outlet.
“He was hiding upstairs underneath the bed, in my daughter’s bedroom,” owner Margaret Adamcewicz  said. 
“He used to date my daughter five years ago…It didn’t end well…He didn’t say why he came back. He just picked our house. Hubbard remained under the bed until May 10, when Adamcewicz’s husband heard a noise and peeked under to inspect what it was, and spotted him. The couple’s 28-year-old son prevented Hubbard from leaving until police arrived.
“I wasn’t scared, I was just angry,” Adamcewicz said.Police confirmed that Hubbard was arrested and charged with burglary and criminal trespassing. 
It’s not clear what he did for food or how he relieved himself when he had to use the bathroom, but  said she believes he didn’t eat and only drank water.

An Inverness, Florida, a goofy looking woman risked her life by taking on an alligator that was trying to eat her dog, Hope.

"It was the dumbest bravest thing I've ever done. but I wasn't going to let her go," Lori Beiswenger said. Well she got the first part right!

Earlier this month, Beiswenger was planting trees on the nine-hole Point O' Woods Golf Course, which she owns with her husband, when she heard Hope scream. The gator had attacked the dog, and was dragging it into a nearby pond.

Beiswenger waded into the water and foolishly began pulling on the gators tail. The gator soon noticed and turned toward her. Beiswenger then hurried back to shore.

Jodie Daniels, a golf course volunteer who was nearby, heard Beiswenger calling for help. He grabbed a shovel and managed to free the dog. "It was quite a shock to pull the dog up and the gator is still attached to the dog," Daniels said.

Daniels hit the gator on the head with the shovel, but it managed to escape. An animal control company came the next day to trap the gator and take it away. 

"I read him his Miranda rights," Beiswenger told WFTS, joking about the way the animal was tied with its arms behind its back.

The gator was killed and sold to a local restaurant for meat.

Hope underwent a three-hour surgery for a severed artery and is expected to have her stitches removed this weekend.  "I love this dog," Beiswenger told CBS affiliate WTSP. "I wasn't going to loose her."

Hope has escaped death in the past: Beiswenger adopted her when she was due to be put down, and the dog later survived getting hit by a car. "She is quite the wonder dog," Beiswenger told Bay News 9.


Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Murder, Or Suicide?!

The investigation into the suspicious death of Sandra Bland is being treated like a murder investigation, a district attorney said Monday. Probably because it is a homicide.
Police say they found the 28-year-old dead last week after she hung herself with a plastic bag inside a jail in Walter county Texas, where she was incarcerated after allegedly assaulting an officer during a July 10th traffic stop.
The Texas Rangers and the FBI are investigating her death.
"It is very much too early to make any kind of determination that this was a suicide or a murder because the investigations are not complete," Waller County District Attorney Elton Mathis told reporters. "This is being treated like a murder investigation."
He said the case would go to a grand jury.
The Texas Department of Public Safety, whose trooper pulled over Bland for allegedly failing to use her signal while changing lanes, has issued a statement saying Bland became "argumentative and uncooperative" and was arrested on a charge of assaulting a public servant.
According to a sheriff's office statement, she was found "in her cell not breathing from what appears to be self-inflicted asphyxiation." Bland received CPR, and an ambulance was called, but she was pronounced dead a short time later.
Many people have questioned the police account of Bland's death. Those who know her say she was anything but suicidal.
"Based on the Sandy I knew, this is unfathomable to me," Sharon Cooper, one of Bland's sisters, told reporters in Chicago. "People who knew her, truly knew her, the depth of her, that's unfathomable right now."
There were no cameras inside Bland's cell but cameras in the hallway showed no one entering or leaving before her body was discovered, Mathis has said, and now never before seen Dashcam video of Sandra Bland's arrest has been released causing many to question whether she should have been arrested at all.

The dashcam video shows Texas state Trooper Brian Encinia pulling Bland over July 10 for allegedly failing to use her turn signal. What started as normal conversation gets testy after Encinia asks her to put out her cigarette.

"I am in my car. I don't have to put out my cigarette," Bland says.

"You can step on out now," Encinia replies.

Bland refuses to get out of her car, and the trooper opens her door and starts trying to pull her out of the vehicle.

What happens after that has ignited a debate about what the officer could have done versus what he should have done.

'For a failure to signal?'

In the video, Encinia tells Bland she is under arrest. She repeatedly asks why, but the trooper does not answer, other than to say, "I am giving you a lawful order."

They argue, then Encinia pulls what appears to be his Taser and points it at Bland.

He screams: "Get out of the car! I will light you up! Get out! Now!"

Bland then exits the car of her own accord, saying: "Wow, really, for a failure to signal? You're doing all of this for a failure to signal?"

Much of what happens next is not seen on camera, but the officer can be heard saying Bland is not compliant.

"When you pull away from me, you're resisting arrest," Encinia says.

A clearly upset Bland can be heard saying: "You're a real man now. You just slammed me, knocked my head in the ground. I got epilepsy you mother******."

"Good," he replies.

A female officer tells Bland she should have thought about that before she started resisting.

Technically, a driver can get arrested in Texas for simply failing to use a turn signal.

In the video, Encinia tells Bland he intended to give her a warning -- until she failed to comply with orders and repeatedly cursed at the trooper.

The Texas Department of Public Safety released almost an hour of dashcam video. But in parts of the footage, the video is looped while the officer's audio continues uninterrupted.

For example, there are moments when a car or a tow truck driver appears in the frame, suddenly disappears and then appears once again.

But the video of the traffic stop was not edited, according to Texas Department of Public Safety public information officer Tom Vinger. "There was a technical issue during posting later in the video, and we are working to correct," Vinger said Wednesday. But anyone who watches the video can plainly see that it has been altered.

This is my theory. Sandra Bland was murdered, and it was made to look like a suicide. She was probably choked to death and the easiest way to simulate choking is hanging.


Monday, July 20, 2015

The Swastika & The Rainbow

SYMBOLS! Symbols are everything. Whether you're marketing a product, an idea, or an agenda. Anything, and I do mean ANYTHING, can be misused, recontexualized, and repurposed to mean something else. Take, for example, 2 of the most infamous symbols in the world, the swastika, and the rainbow. These 2 symbols represent the antithesis of analytical thinking outside the box.
I'll start will the most infamous, and then I'll talk about the most innocent. 

The swastika. There is nothing that represents evil more that this ancient symbol. The seastika has an extensive history. It was used at least 5,000 years before Adolf Hitler designed the Nazi flag. The word swastika comes from the Sanskirt (svastika), which means “good fortune” or “well-being." The motif (a hooked cross) appears to have first been used in Neolithic Eurasia, perhaps representing the movement of the sun through the sky. To this day it is a sacred symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Odinism. It is a common sight on temples or houses in India or Indonesia. Swastikas also have an ancient history in Europe, appearing on artifacts from pre-Christian European cultures. But because Hitler used it to represent the nazi party it became associated with mass genocide and crimes against humanity. The "hooked cross" which have preceded both Hitler and the nazi party was forever changed.
And now, the rainbow. The rainbow has become infamous in its own right and it has become a symbol that is almost as misused as the swastika. Of course someone who chooses to take my words out of context may say that nothing is further from the truth. But I am not making the comparison in reference to the symbols represent in a historical context. My perspective is rooted in the impact of these two images.

The origin of the rainbow: 
God's promise to Moses.

Genisis 9: 11-17

11 And I will establish my covenant with you, neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth.

12 And God said, This is the token of the covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations:

13 I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth.

14 And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud:

15 And I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh.

16 And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth.

17 And God said unto Noah, This is the token of the covenant, which I have established between me and all flesh that is upon the earth.

There you have it. This is the origin, the meaning and the intent behind the rainbow. But when you look at it, what do you think? Never mind what it means to you, because automatic association is the main intention in mind when the decision is made to use a symbol. The last time I saw one. I thought about one thing, homosexuality. Because the gay community has transformed a raindow into a symbol for gay rights, and it has become so ingrained in our culture that imagery triggers an instant connection. This is the reason why so many people are using it as a background in their Facebook profile photos. It causes an instant connection and represents what they stand for. It has almost become a tongue in cheek code that indicates that they support gay marriage. "Facebook friends" are using the rainbow as a background. Church members have been using the rainbow as a background, and even some family members have been using the rainbow as a background.  Subliminal messages aside, man cannot take what God has intended for good and repurpose, redesign, and establish it to fit his own agenda. 

Guard your mind!!


Saturday, July 18, 2015

Just When You Thought You Heard It All News (7-18-2015)

Authorities in Los Angeles are looking for a stupid burglar (oxymoron), who accidentally made a selfie with his victim's iPhone......................

Police say the thief entered a home in the Venice area through an unlocked door Saturday and grabbed the phone, but he accidentally activated a video app.

The crook briefly recorded himself standing in the living room before he took off with the device.

A woman and two 15-year-old girls sleeping in the house weren't hurt.

The owner of the phone remotely accessed the video, and police have released it.

Authorities say they don't know the crook's name, but they know what he looks like. A FOOL!'

They're hoping somebody else can put a name to the face.

get agitated when the wi-fi connection is bad, but usually not enough to whip out a knife!

That's what Amber Lynn Henson, 48, is accused of doing last Thursday at a Taco Bell in Tahlequah, Oklahoma.

Henson was having trouble using the restaurant's wi-fi and decided to cool off by filling up her cup at the drinking fountain, only to be blocked by a group of teenage boys, according to Tahlequahpolice chief Nate King.

“The boys were kind of in the way of the drink fountain and she had to squeeze through them to get her drink, and she got agitated and spilled her drink on one of them,” King said.

Henson allegedly waited outside of the restaurant with a 4-inch blade and challenged two of the boys, including the one who got wet,

"If you want some of me, come on!" she said. The terrified teenage boys ran for their lives at the sight of Henson's pasty face.

Henson left without stabbing anyone. The teens called police, who posted surveillance photos of the incident inside the Taco Bell to Facebook.

Henson was arrested later that day after a tipster recognized her from the video. Police said she admitted pulling the knife but said it was self-defense, according to the Tahlequah Daily Press.

Henson was booked on one charge of assault with a dangerous weapon.

No word on if the wi-fi connection at the Taco Bell has improved.

Jesus can do ANYTHING but fail. But should we depend on Jesus to pay at the buffet??

April Lee Yates, 51, was arrested Sunday for allegedly refusing pay for a $26 seafood buffet at Bennetts Calabash in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

Police arrived after employees said she'd been at the restaurant for four hours and was disturbing other patrons, according to Yates also allegedly refused to pay for her meal, saying she had no money.

Officers said when Yates was asked what she had planned to do about the bill she told them that Jesus would pay it for her, according to WBMF TV.

No one, including Jesus, came forward with the loot.

She should have prayed for Jesus to bless her with a job, and tried to get a job. FYI, that's how Jesus pays your bills!! HELLO!!!

At that point, Yates was arrested and charged with defrauding a restaurant. She was taken to the Myrtle Beach Jail.


Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Girl Takes Gang Rape Selfie!!

The following story and photo are without a doubt the most disturbing that I've ever seem or read. It represents a disgusting sign of the times and a rapid degeneration of our youth. 

A photo surfaced on Twitter Thursday that shows a Black man being forced at gunpoint to perform oral sex on a group of young Black men in an alley.

A smiling young Black woman is seen in the foreground of the photo in selfie positioBehind the woman in the narrow red-bricked alley, a Black man wearing a blue t-shirt can be seen on his knees, his back toward the camera, with his face in the crotch of a Black man standing over him. The man is wearing a white t-shirt and with his right hand is pointing a handgun at the man on the man kneeling before him. His left hand is in a controlling position on the back of the victim’s head. The rapist’s face can not been seen as he is looking backward to his fellow rapists.

The vim’s face can not be seen in the photo.

At least six other Black men can be seen crowded in behind the gunman. One standing on his right appears to be undoing his pants to be the next one to orally rape the victim.

On the left of the gunman is a man smiling and giving the finger to the camera.

As you all know, the vast majority of my stories involve racism, simply because it is and always has been a prevalent part of the American landscape. It is a subject that cannot be ignored or forgotten. Whether it is the criminal justice system, economic inequality, or injustice of any kind I can always seem to flesh out the results of these disadvantages. But there are some things that are indefensible and have nothing to do with racism. I cas or rationalize gang sodomy or taking a stupid smiling selfie during gang sodomy as the effect related to a cause. These children are the awful offspring of obviously bad parents. No, I don't know them all, but I suspect you'd be hard pressed to find a child in the group with "decent" parents. Maybe they should be held responsible!!!


Tuesday, July 14, 2015


The older I get, the more I realize that money isn't everything. Compared to God and family, money is a small factor. I'm not just saying this because I'm blessed or because I enjoy spouting cleches at random. But the fact is, if you don't have peace, money means nothing. Don't get me wrong, The City of New York should give Eric Garners family a sizable settlement. But their emphasis on the monetary amount as if they're doing them a favor along with the reported stipulation that the city will not admitt any wrong doing is disturbing.

New York City reached a settlement with the family of Eric Garner on Monday, agreeing to pay $5.9 million to resolve a wrongful-death claim over his killing by the police on Staten Island last July, the city comptroller and a lawyer for the family said.

The agreement was reached a few days before the anniversary of Mr. Garner’s death, headed off one legal battle even as a federal inquiry into the killing and several others at the state and local level remain open and could provide a further accounting of how he died.

Still, the settlement was a pivotal moment in a case that has engulfed the city since the afternoon of July 17, 2014, when two officers approached Mr. Garner as he stood unarmed on a sidewalk, and accused him of selling untaxed cigarettes. One of the officers used a chokehold, long prohibited by the Police Department to subdue him, and that was cited by the medical examiner as a cause of Mr. Garner’s death.


Friday, July 10, 2015

Just When You Thought You Heard It All News (7-10-2015)

In Bristow Oklahoma, investigators were working Monday to identify a man with a huge pair who took more than $75,000 from an Oklahoma Walmart after disguising himself as an armored truck driver.........

Hey Allen Iverson is that you?!?!

Bristow Police Chief Wayne Williams said authorities in northeast Oklahoma have received some anonymous tips about the identity of the man whose image was captured by a video surveillance camera.

"We've got some calls out on it, but nothing yet," Williams said. He said officials do not believe the suspect lives in the area.

Authorities say the suspect entered the Walmart store in Bristow about 10:30 a.m. Saturday, walked to the cash office, signed for the deposit and walked out of the store. He drove away in a dark four-door Chevrolet.

"He came to the Walmart kind of dressed like a Loomis armored car driver," 

Kind of?!?? & they kinda got robbed too.

Williams said. Walmart employees called police after the real Loomis employee arrived about 45 minutes later. Bristow is about 35 miles southwest of Tulsa.

A dozing police offer in the Philippines enabled a quintet of prisoners to escape confinement, sources say. The prisoners, locked in the Koronadal City precinct on drug charges, crept through the barred ceiling of their detention room around 3 a.m. as officer Teofilo Toledo (say that 10 times fast), "nodded off".

The prisoners had slowly sawed the iron bars over the course of several months and, once they saw the sleeping cop, crept through. Upon reaching the outside world, the prisoners scattered; none have been tracked down.

Superintendent Jose Briones Jr., the precinct's commanding officer, quickly removed officer Toledo from active duty.

“I have ordered a massive manhunt and I appeal to the relatives of the detainees to help bring them back to detention facility and defend their cases in court,” Briones said.

Why all five prisoners were locked up in the same holding area, in such a small prison, for so long, is unclear. It’s likely a result of the Philippines’ rather unregulated penitentiary system, which suffers from just a tiny bit of corruption...

A  weird woman in Deland, Florida (where else), says she was shot in the leg while sitting at a café on Independence Day, but she didn't realize it until doctors found the bullet five days later.

Heather Charlebois said that after days of pain from what she initially thought was a firecracker, she went to the hospital. Doctors told her they found a .38-caliber bullet lodged in her leg. 

Charlebois says she was on the patio of Cafe Da Vinci in DeLand on Saturday night when she felt a pain in her leg. She checked it out in the bathroom, but there was little blood. 

Police say there were no reports of gunfire but believe the bullet might have been fired into the air from some distance away.


Wednesday, July 8, 2015


I hate having to write this.......but, it is what it is. If the reports are to be believed, the man who has often been referred to as  "Americas favorite dad", Dr. William H. Cosby, admitted in a 2005 deposition that he purchased qualueds with the sole intention of drugging women to have sex with them.

The latest revelations seem to not only validate the accusations of the 30 women who've accused Cosby of drugging and raping them. But they also mark the end of a seemingly stellar career spanning some 50 plus years.  The news is shocking, disgusting and disappointing to say the least. While Cosby is still one of the most wealthy entertainers in the world his legacy has been destroyed and his name has become synonymous with rape, hypocrisy and scandal. 
Many people, myself included, have defended Mr. Cosby in the midst of these unspeakable allegations. Mainly because of his reputation and the improbabity that such a rich and famous man would have to drug and rape anybody. But the facts remain, and he is guilty by his own admission. Those of us in the black community who are conspiracy theorists have floated the idea that "the white man" is on a mission to take down Bill Cosby, and that is the reason for these 40 year old allegations and the relentless pursuit of the truth amid the quagmire. Let's just say for the sake of argument that the there is a conspiracy. The next question we must ask ourselves is. Who gave "the white man" the ammunition to take Cosby down? Bill Cosby Himself, no pun intended!
One of the most important life lessons that it seems some people never grasp or learn is that we cannot do what everyone else does and expect the same result or consequences or lack there of. Especially not if your African-American. After all, America is a country that is built on double standards. Just this morning it was announced that Prosecuters have decided to pursue criminal charges against Bill Cosby despite the statute of limitations having run out. Reruns of all of Cosby's shows have been pulled from the air and Disney has plans to remove a bronze statue of Cosby from a celebrity theme section. Yes, there is no doubt that Bill Cosby has commuted some atrocious acts. But if acts of atrocity become the standard by which we decide who's likeness or image is allowed to be seen in public, wouldn't it be fair to remove at least one of the faces from Mount Rushmore and remove every image of Christopher Columbus from every public place in America?


Thursday, July 2, 2015

Gods Country?

Every day over the past few days somebody has asked me PR, what do you think about The Supreme Court ruling declaring gay marriage legal in all 50 states? 
Here's my answer: The Supreme Court cannot be expected to rule by Gods law. They have to rule on what is constitutional and what is unconstitutional. They 
are not a religious body and they cannot be expected to rule on anything from a biblical standpoint.
With that being said, we must stop pretending that we live in a country that is built on the word of God & realize that we live in a country that is built first on foremost for profit, founded on exploitation, and developed for the purpose of prosperity. "In God we trust", is a logo and not a belief. The United States of America is and always has been a business, and approving gay marriage is good for business.